Ludovic Ramonet


Compensation and Benefits Manager, Agrial

What is your role?

To create and set up the compensation function at Agrial, with the whole palette of C&B services and advisory to be deployed throughout the group and across all of our sectors.

What is your hidden talent?

Taking up a tennis racket or paddle to relax. Just to let any other players know!

What do you like the most about your job?

I like to resolve compensation issues and challenges, which leads me to: 
     - review various themes and thoughts over time, from different companies, and find a different and appropriate solution depending on the culture, practices, challenges, etc. of each of them; 
     - take an educational approach to sensitive, sometimes complex, subjects and make them (more) simple, comprehensible and usable for our multiple and varied stakeholders (HR, managers, representative bodies, staff, etc.); 
      - bring together sometimes specialized technical expertise for our companies’ people to answer their questions and those of our organizations. 

Any advice for people new to the profession?

Humility and simplicity: 
Listen carefully to the reasons behind each request; 
Talk (to your HR, managers and especially your peers); 
And dive into the C&B adventure! 

About Agrial:

Agrial is a French agricultural and agri-food co-operative which supports its farmer members every day to promote and sell their products. Relying on strong brands, the Group has 150 production sites in 11 countries and develops its agri-food activities in the dairy, fresh produce, beverage and meat sectors. As a committed company, Agrial develops high-performing and responsible farming, offering consumers healthy, safe and tasty food.
Together, Agrial’s 12,000 farmer members and 22,200 employees embody the company’s values: long-termism, proximity, solidarity and boldness. In 2021, the Group generated 6,2 billion euros in turnover.