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Terms and conditions of use
The public pages of the Cercle Magellan's website are freely accessible at the site's URL <www.magellan-network.com>, made available to the public to present the Cercle Magellan's activities and to offer membership to paid services accessible via a members-only area.
These terms and conditions of use will outline the rights and duties of any person using the public site (hereafter the "user”).
These terms and conditions complete the legal notice and the data protection policy available to all users.
These terms and conditions do not set forth the rights and duties of subscribed users for their access to the members-only area, excepting contractual stipulations to the contrary.
The public site is made available to all users free of charge, throughout the year, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, notwithstanding necessary interruptions for technical maintenance, servicing and update operations.
Notwithstanding the above, the Cercle Magellan will not be held responsible under any circumstances for interruptions to access to the public site for reasons related to the host, the user, the user's ISP, or due to attacks on its computer system by a third party or due to force majeure as defined by French law.
In all the above cases, the user expressly and fully renounces any entitlement to request damages for the interruption or suspension of access to the public site.
Intellectual property
All information eligible for protection made available on the public site (structure, content, logos, data, etc.) is the property of the Cercle Magellan or of third parties having granted the Cercle Magellan permission for its use.
As such, any reproduction, representation, use, adaptation, modification, incorporation, translation or commercialization of information from the public site, in full or in part, without prior written agreement from the Cercle Magellan is forbidden.
In the same way, the data available cannot be used for commercial purposes, even in part, without the prior written agreement of the Cercle Magellan.
The Cercle Magellan informs the user that in addition to the payment of damages and interest in compensation for damages suffered as a result of forgery, they will be liable for criminal sanctions as detailed below.
Any reproduction or representation of information from the public site (text, photos, etc.), in full or in part, without the express consent of the owner is liable to be considered forgery under articles L.335-2 to L.335-4 of the intellectual property code, the sentence for which is a 3-year prison sentence and a EUR 300,000 fine.
Any reproduction, use, affixation or imitation of the brands and logos featured on the public site without the express consent of the owner is forbidden under the conditions stipulated under articles L.713-2 and 713-3 of the intellectual property code. Any violation of these provisions is subject to a 3-year prison sentence and a fine of EUR 300,000 under article L.716-10 of this code.
If appropriate, the extraction or re-use of qualitatively or quantitatively substantial portions of the databases available on the Public Site is liable to be sanctioned by a three-year prison sentence and a EUR 300,000 fine under article L.343-4 of the intellectual property code.