Sandrine Guyot

Sandrine GUYOT

Group Talent Director, Coface

What is your role?

My role is to deploy initiatives to ensure that the competencies that the company needs are always available. This happens through employer communication, recruitment, training and development, career management, succession plans, etc. around the world. From the employee’s point of view, my role consists in creating the conditions for everyone to find opportunities and to flourish in their work in line with their aspirations, competencies, priorities and lifestyle choices. Fortunately, as you can imagine, many other people contribute to this role!

What is your hidden talent?

Performing 10 somersaults in a row and landing on the same spot on a trampoline? I have to admit though that it was a very long time ago! I was a gymnast and trampolinist in my youth. Everything I learnt is very useful to me in the world of work: managing stress, taking time to recover, meeting deadlines, being part of a shared project.

What do you like the most about your job?

How varied it is, no 2 days are the same.

Any advice for people new to the profession?

Don’t try to be like everyone else, find the path that will allow you to keep in step with who you are. 

About Coface:

A modern and agile company with the most finely meshed international network, Coface is a reference in credit insurance and risk management.

With over 75 years of experience as an industry leader, and a team of 4,500 experts serving around 50,000 companies, Coface experts work to the beat of the global economy.

Our ambition is to become the most agile, global trade credit insurance partner in the industry.