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MSH - PREVINTERMSH wins an award for its "All Staff Health Check_Up" offer, 2024/04/26 |
MSH launched the “MSH All Staff” Health Check-Up in 2024, a service that can beoffered to all company employees. It is based on a unique process combiningdigital and physical health checks. <o:p></o:p>This innovation has just won the Argus d'Or de l'Assurance award, in the "PersonalInsurance/Corporate Health and Life Insurance category".
Every year,the Argus d'Or awards recognize the best innovations in the insurance sectorwith the “MSH All Staff” Health Check-Up winning the prize in the PersonalInsurance/Corporate Health and Life Insurance category.<o:p></o:p>
Since 2020,MSH has been offering "Expatriate Health Check-Ups" to companyemployees before they go to work abroad to ensure their state of health iscompatible with the health conditions in their destination country orcountries. It is also offered during their time working abroad to confirm thattheir state of health remains compatible with the health conditions in theirdestination country or countries. <o:p></o:p>
While theentire current process is highly digitalized, the health check-up is conductedface-to-face – at the health check center chosen by the employee - within MSH'sextensive worldwide network. Until now, this service had been too costly to bemade available to all company employees.<o:p></o:p>
Faced withthis situation, MSH decided to innovate by offering “All Staff” health checks,making it possible to provide the service to all company employees at areasonable cost, and with an optimal level of medical quality. This newoffering is based on a process that combines digital and physical healthchecks.<o:p></o:p>
“MSH AllStaff” is a real social innovation because, for the first time, it is availableto all employees, regardless of their nationality or position in the company.This wider access to an entire employee population is part of a real healthrisk prevention strategy.<o:p></o:p>
The “phygital”combination of online and face-to-face health checks means all employees canbenefit from this dual approach. This innovation is also based on a combinationof MSH's skills with those of Eutelmed, a major international player in thefield of mental health and quality of working life, which has developed a rangeof digitalized health checks. <o:p></o:p>
Finally, anadditional option is being offered to employees suffering from stage 3 or 4cancers to provide them with cutting-edge medical support. This supportincludes access to the latest global advances in cancer treatment and theoptimization of medical protocols based on advanced medical analysis (geneticprofiling). Similar options are currently being explored for othercritical/chronic illnesses. <o:p></o:p> | |