
Actualité des Prestataires Labellisés


[Article] Crafting a Positive Assignee Experience, 02/09/2024


Assignee experience has long been in the spotlight for Mobility programs, but the definition of a good experience varies widely. When something as ephemeral as experience is being considered, it is hard to put your finger on what exactly makes it ‘great.’ After thorough analysis, we have identified nine essential focus areas that are instrumental in crafting a positive assignee experience and presented these in our Employee Experience white paper

Having delved into all nine essential focus areas in our recent blog series (with blogs onetwothree available for revisiting), we now shift our focus to the valuable insights and perspectives shared by our mobility leaders.


Given the spotlight that assignee experience is under, we were curious to understand which of these options Mobility leaders consider to be most impactful.


We took a deep dive into the topic in our 2024 Mobility Outlook Survey and asked participants to rank these nine areas according to what they view as most important for a good assignment experience.


Three topics stand head and shoulders above the others when it comes to providing a good assignee experience:


top 3


A strong vendor network, dedicated coordination points, proper preparation, and family wellbeing were also consistently viewed as having a role to play with each making important contributions to the overall experience.


Overall, flexibility and self-service were the least impactful for providing a great employee experience. However, it is worth remembering that, while not perhaps a priority in and of itself, flexibility can play an important role in delivering the right package and appropriate family wellbeing options.


As organizations continue to expand their global footprint, giving a great Mobility experience is central to employee well-being. But with so many different types of people moving, and for so many different reasons, everyone’s definition of a good experience is different. To give a good experience you need to understand what that means in the context of the employee and the organization. Get the fundamentals right: be fair with the package, be clear with communication, and make sure the assignment/transfer’s contribution to the employee’s career is understood. Listen to your employees and understand what is working well and where you can improve. Look at the levers you can pull holistically, and you can cultivate an environment where the
experience of employees thrives and contributes to long-term business success.


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 Crafting a Positive Assignee Experience: What is the focus for Mobility Leaders? (