Marie-Pierre Lalain

Marie-Pierre Lalain

Head of HR Operations, Deezer

What is your role?

I am in charge of the HR operations team. But what does this catch-all term HR operations mean?
It’s the team that makes sure that our staff get the best experience!

Under the hood are the basics of HR (personnel administration, payroll, HRIS, as well as compensation and benefits, HR management control and social dialogue), without which, no matter what you do, without quality onboarding, without timely answers to administrative questions, without a well-designed compensation policy, without constructive social dialogue, employees would be far less satisfied with their employee experience and HR actions would not offer their full added value.

What is your hidden talent?

Finding the silver lining to every cloud, even when it is well hidden!

What do you like the most about your job?

It is never boring! There are always new issues to explore, to research. You have to prioritize of course.
I like to dig into a complex subject, analyze it and then be able to offer much more of an overview of the situation.

What is great when you are in a virtuous eco-system (coherence, cooperation with your manager, your peers and your (amazing) team, a system for quick decision-making) is that you can really move forward on subjects that make sense and shake things up.

What I am excited about at the moment, and would really like to move forward with, is pay transparency.

Any advice for people new to the profession?

Ouch! When I am asked that question, it means that I am no longer one of those people! But let me keep dreaming!

When you want more, show it, you’ll get more! It is your interest, your curiosity that will make the difference!


About Deezer:

From a French tech start-up created in 2007, Deezer has become one of the earliest French unicorns and the second largest independent music streaming platform globally¹. Deezer is the home of music for fans and artists alike, and has developed a scalable and differentiated global platform, supported by its state-of-the-art product, and successful hybrid B2B/B2C business model. With its leading technological and research capabilities, unique partnership DNA, and longstanding relationships within the music ecosystem, Deezer is ideally positioned to play a key role in the continued development of the booming music streaming market.